eightolives' Layout Issues
- Saving/reading .pcb data incomplete
Status: OpenIssue:The saving and reading of .pcb files is not complete. Files made by Layout can be read by either Layout or gEDA PCB.
- Autoplace does a few at a time
Status: OpenIssue: Autoplace only places a few parts at a time due to not operating on a queue.
Response:Temporary workaround is to click Autoplace several times.
- Route in development
Status: OpenIssue:Route commands are in development.
- Route - same component
Status: OpenIssue:Route to same component only coded for adjacent pins.
- Route - some route crossing observed
Status: OpenIssue:Some cases of two different nets crossing observed.
- clearpoly / pininpoly differences
Status: OpenIssue:The clearpoly and pininpoly flags have some implementation differences.
- Gerber file text
Status: OpenIssue:Text is not rotated in Gerber file.
- Selecting angled nets is tricky
Status: OpenIssue:Nets on an angle are difficult to select. Select box is away from net.
- Exporting data to kicad experimental
Status: OpenIssue: Exporting pcb data to kicad is experimental. Different versions complicate matters. Certain undocumented features to be resolved.
- RATS data in input file issues
Status: OpenIssue:RATS data in input .pcb files have some issues. Vias are placed but the specified position is usually over a pad. Nets are not yet acted upon.