Making a Web-based Visitors Guide
The eightolives Visitors Guide Tools is a set of tools used to help create a virtual visitor guide for use on a smart phone. A virtual visitors guide can deliver information, explanations, directions, and maps useable for outdoor walking tours, indoor museum exhibits, retail stores, malls, airports or transportation centers.
Venue web pages stored on a central server can be selected by user clicks, GPS location, QR codes or indoor navigation methods.
QR Code SignageQR codes are readable by most smart phones. These small graphics encode a URL to a web page that the smart phone can launch in its browser. With QR codes attached to normal signage, signs can now easily link the observer to a "You Are Here", location dependant web page. The eightolives QRcode tool along with Avery blank label sheets allow you to print sheets of "sticky" labels with different URL links on a single sheet. Put these on existing signage and each sign now has its own web page. Try the QR Generator.